Lake Weed Treatment Notice August 2020

WINANS LAKE WEED TREATMENT NOTICE FOR ALL RESIDENTS Chemical lake weed treatments are scheduled for the week of August 24 as weather permits. Follow-up treatments may also occur later in the season as required. During treatment, granular triclopyr pellets will be applied mainly to offshore areas of the lake in depths of 5-20ft. to control […]

Lake Weed Treatment Notice June 2020

WINANS LAKE WEED TREATMENT NOTICE FOR ALL RESIDENTS Chemical lake weed treatments are scheduled for the week of June 29th as weather permits. Follow-up treatments may also occur later in the season as required. During treatment, granular 2,4-D pellets will be applied mainly to offshore areas of the lake in depths of 5-20ft. to control […]

2020 WLA Annual Meeting Cancelled

The WLA board has voted to cancel 2020 WLA Annual Meeting this year due to ongoing concerns with COVID-19. To update members on the lake’s status, this year’s annual membership package will include a summary of the year’s major accomplishments as well as the standard financial statements and board candidate information.  Voting for board candidates […]