Lake Views Newsletter August 2020
Fall 2020 Beach Cleanup Saturday Sept 19th at 1pm–Volunteers Needed!
The fall beach cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, Sept 19th at 1pm. Volunteers are needed to help bring in the dock and for various others chores to close up the beach and get it ready for winter. Remember: Volunteer work helps to keep our dues down, so please donate some time if you can. Rain […]
Lake Weed Treatment Notice August 2020
WINANS LAKE WEED TREATMENT NOTICE FOR ALL RESIDENTS Chemical lake weed treatments are scheduled for the week of August 24 as weather permits. Follow-up treatments may also occur later in the season as required. During treatment, granular triclopyr pellets will be applied mainly to offshore areas of the lake in depths of 5-20ft. to control […]
Lake Views Newsletter July 2020
WLA September Board Meeting 9/10/20 6:30pm at the Beach
Lake Weed Treatment Notice June 2020
WINANS LAKE WEED TREATMENT NOTICE FOR ALL RESIDENTS Chemical lake weed treatments are scheduled for the week of June 29th as weather permits. Follow-up treatments may also occur later in the season as required. During treatment, granular 2,4-D pellets will be applied mainly to offshore areas of the lake in depths of 5-20ft. to control […]
Lake Views Newsletter May 29 2020
2020 WLA Annual Meeting Cancelled
The WLA board has voted to cancel 2020 WLA Annual Meeting this year due to ongoing concerns with COVID-19. To update members on the lake’s status, this year’s annual membership package will include a summary of the year’s major accomplishments as well as the standard financial statements and board candidate information. Voting for board candidates […]