Shoreline development can have a significant impact on the overall biology and character of a lake and, therefore, must be undertaken carefully and sparingly.

The goal and management philosophy of the WLA is to maintain the natural character of Winans Lake as much as possible while recognizing that a limited amount of shoreline development is necessary for member access and enjoyment.

The WLA guideline is that at least 70% of the shoreline of any residential parcel should be left undeveloped whenever possible.  This is in addition to any Michigan DEQ requirements.

Members should be aware of the following WLA rules regarding development:

  • Any beach, shoreline, or lake bottom modifications or other related activities that require State permitting shall also require WLA Board approval.  Members should obtain WLA/LGCC approval prior to applying for any permits to avoid unnecessary fees and delays.
  • All seawall construction must be approved by the WLA Board. State and local permits may also be required.  Any new seawall construction must be based on natural materials (e.g. rocks vs steel) whenever possible.

Members are strongly advised to consult with the WLA Board and MDEQ well in advance of any planned activity to ensure plans are in compliance.  Developments that occur without WLA or State approvals/permits may require remediation at the member’s expense as well as fines/penalties.


Natural Shorelines Brochure cover Waters Edge Brochure cover